how to make croissant?

how to make croissant?

Croissant is one of the delicious and famous sweets that has many fans. Croissant is actually a type of French pastry that can be made at home. Most croissant lovers make this delicious pastry in filling form. We try to teach you how to prepare a quick homemade croissant and answer questions such as how to make croissant dough? How to make a croissant sandwich and also the important tips of how to make a crispy croissant.

how to make croissant?

What is a croissant and how is it made?

Croissant is actually a type of pastry that is made in the shape of a crescent and made with flour. Croissant is often eaten for breakfast or as a snack. The main form of croissant is in the form of light and puffy rolls, which can attract any sweet lover with its extraordinary taste.

Croissant is often made with nuts and cream, chocolate, marmalade, cheese and even aromatic vegetables and the like are used to fill it. One of the most delicious croissants is the chocolate croissant, which has many fans.

Croissant actually belongs to Austria, but since the French use it as breakfast, most people in the world know it as a delicious French pastry. follow us on how to make croissants.

If you are interested in cooking articles, I suggest you refer to ((how to make pancakes))

how to make croissant at home?
how to make croissant at home?

How is croissant made?

To prepare a delicious croissant, you need fresh and special ingredients, which include:

Raw materials for making croissants

Three quarters of a glass of milk

Half a glass of lukewarm water

A quarter of a glass of liquid oil

Half a tablespoon of yeast powder

Half a teaspoon of salt

Sugar 2 tablespoons

3 to 4 glasses of flour

50 grams of softened butter at room temperature

1 egg yolk

Croissant recipe

To make a delicious croissant, you must first mix yeast and sugar with tepid water in a suitable container and wait ten minutes until the yeast is ready.

In the next step, add the rest of the ingredients and mix and gradually add the flour to the ingredients until the dough is completely smooth and uniform and does not stick to the hands.

When the dough is completely ready, put a damp cloth on it and wait for an hour. After an hour, divide the dough into 8 equal parts and make each part into a ball.

Open the doughs in sequence and apply butter on them, flour the opened doughs and roll them out with a rolling pin until the doughs are thin and wide.

Cut the dough into triangles with a knife and roll them from the corner of the triangle. After rolling all the doughs, apply the mixed egg on them with a brush. You can sprinkle some sesame seeds on the dough.

Put the prepared dough in the oven at 200 degrees. When the croissants are completely roasted and golden, take them out of the oven and let the heat decrease. Now you can serve it.

How to make croissants without yeast?

As we said, there are different ways to make croissants, many lovers of this dessert ask how to make croissants without yeast or how to make croissants in an air fryer, how to make croissants with French toast. And …

The methods of preparing croissants are very diverse and tasteful and will also depend on the raw materials you have available. To prepare croissants without yeast, you need the following ingredients

Dough ingredients

1 egg white

1 glass of hot water (all the glasses in this recipe are French glasses)

1 glass of yogurt

7 glasses of white flour

1/4 cup of liquid oil

1 teaspoon of salt

1 teaspoon of baking powder

1 tablespoon of vinegar

If you are interested in cooking articles, I suggest you refer to ((how to make banana cake without oven))

how to make croissant at home?
how to make croissant at home?

Croissant recipe without yeast

To prepare this type of croissant, you must first mix egg white, water, yogurt, oil, vinegar and baking powder in a container.

Add flour to the ingredients in several steps until the dough is smooth and does not stick to the hands.

Divide the dough into 12 equal parts and cover it for 5 minutes and leave it aside.

Open and spread the dough using a rolling pin, cover the surface of the dough with a layer of butter and oil and wait for another hour.

Cut the dough into triangular pieces of the same size with the help of a knife.

Now roll the cut parts. Place the rolled dough in the oven tray and place it in the oven at 150 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes.

When the croissants are ready, you can decorate them with chocolate and have a great snack.

How to make nutty croissants

To prepare this croissant model, we have chosen the chocolate croissant, which is very popular. The raw materials for making croissants with chocolate filling are:

5 cups of pastry flour

A tablespoon of sugar

Instant yeast powder 1 tablespoon

Half a glass of lukewarm water

Half a glass of liquid oil

One egg

how to make croissant?
how to make croissant?

Chocolate croissant recipe

Mix sugar, lukewarm water and instant yeast together and wait ten minutes until it is ready.

Separate the egg yolks and whites, you will use the yolks for the croissants. Mix the egg white with oil and milk completely. Now add the flour gradually and pour enough flour that the dough becomes soft and uniform and does not stick to the hands.

Put the dough in a container and cover it and wait for an hour. The volume of the dough doubles. Divide the puffed dough into 16 equal parts and make small dough balls.

Open and spread these balls of dough using a rolling pin. Place these layers of dough on top of each other and spread it again with a rolling pin.

Make triangular cuts on the dough with the help of a knife, put chocolate in the middle and roll it.

Put the croissant rolls in the oven tray and wait 15 minutes. Then put it in the oven with a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius. After about 25 minutes, the croissants are ready to eat.

source : croissant recipe 1403/01/19

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