how to make pizza dough?

how to make pizza dough?

Many people believe that pizza is the most delicious food in the world. Although there are different types of pizza, the different spices used to cook this dish determine its final taste. Pizza dough also plays an important role in the taste of pizza and its texture can make a pizza delicious or not. The soft texture and excellent taste of pizza dough multiply the pleasure of eating pizza. How to make pizza dough? The recipe for making pizza dough is very diverse. The most famous type of pizza dough is Italian pizza dough. In this note, we discuss different methods of making pizza dough.

how to make pizza dough?

How to make Italian pizza dough?

This pizza dough recipe is very quick, easy and simple. In this method, Italian pizza dough can be prepared in the traditional way without using a mixer. It is better to use the pizza dough prepared by this method the same night or the next day. Ingredients for making Italian pizza dough:

    Water: two cups of warm water (about 40 degrees Celsius)

     Yeast: one and a half tablespoons

     Sugar: a pinch

     Olive oil: two tablespoons

     Flour: five cups

     Salt: one and a half teaspoons

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how to make pizza dough?
how to make pizza dough?

How to make Italian pizza dough

To prepare this excellent pizza dough, you need to first pour water and sugar into a container and then add yeast or yeast to it; Allow the mixture to rest for 5 to 10 minutes.

  In the next step, add olive oil, salt and flour to it. If you are using an electronic mixer, start mixing on low speed and then continue on medium speed for about 5 minutes until the mixture is completely smooth and elastic. You can also do this with a hand mixer.

Lightly grease a bowl with olive oil and then add the dough to it and cover it with cellophane and a clean towel. Then place the container in a warm and closed environment until the volume of the dough doubles.

Knead the dough several times and beat it on the surface. Depending on the desired dimensions, divide them into smaller balls and let the dough rest at room temperature for 20 minutes.

So easily, your traditional Italian pizza dough is ready, and it is enough to put it in the desired thickness and shape in the pizza dish you want. If you want to have a tasty pizza, you can mix spices such as garlic powder, onion, pepper, etc. with flour before adding flour to the yeast dough.

how to make pizza dough?
how to make pizza dough?

How to make pizza dough without yeast

Pizza dough can be prepared without yeast. So if you don’t have yeast available, don’t worry, we will tell you how to make pizza dough without using yeast.

The use of yeast gives a good taste and texture to the pizza dough, but it is not necessary and you can make a delicious and high-quality pizza dough without yeast. In this method, you use baking powder instead of yeast.

Ingredients for making pizza dough without yeast

– Flour: two and a half cups

– Baking powder: three teaspoons

– Salt: half a teaspoon

– Water: three quarters of a pint

– Olive oil: one tablespoon

How to make pizza dough without yeast

To prepare pizza dough in this way, you must first mix flour, baking powder and salt and set aside. In another container, mix water and oil and slowly add it to the flour. Mix this mixture using a mixer or by hand until it resembles a ball. It is better that the ball of dough is soft but not sticky. If you feel that the mixture is dry, add a little water.

At this point, the pizza dough is ready and you can use it to cook a delicious pizza.

How to make pizza dough with milk

In this authentic Italian recipe, milk is used to prepare pizza dough. To prepare pizza dough in this way, you need these ingredients:

     Flour: 650 grams

     Yeast: 7 grams

     Salt: two teaspoons

     Olive oil: 25 ml

     Warm milk: 50 ml

     Hot water: 325 ml

how to make pizza dough?
how to make pizza dough?

How to make pizza dough with milk

To prepare pizza dough with milk, you must go through these steps:

Mix flour, yeast and salt together and then add olive oil and milk and mix well. Add water gradually and mix again until your pizza dough is soft and smooth.

Sprinkle flour on the desired surface and place the dough on it and knead it for 5 minutes. Then put it in a container and cover it and wait for an hour and a half until the dough swells and doubles in size.

After this time, knead the dough again until it becomes soft and then wait again for an hour. Now your pizza dough is ready.

How to make pizza dough with Greek yogurt

Making pizza dough with yogurt is very easy and simple. In this recipe, using yogurt and baking powder and without yeast, your pizza dough will be ready in less than 30 minutes.

Ingredients for making pizza dough with yogurt

– Flour: one cup

– Greek yogurt: half a cup

– Salt: half a teaspoon

– Baking powder: one teaspoon

– Olive oil: half a teaspoon

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How to make pizza dough with yogurt

Pour flour, Greek yogurt, salt, baking powder and olive oil into the container and stir the mixture with a fork, you can also use a mixer. Take pieces of pizza dough and make them into balls. Mix to form a ball.

Sprinkle some flour on the surface and put the dough on it and knead it completely for a few minutes. The dough should have a uniform texture and not stick to the hands.

After this time, your pizza dough is ready and you can use it to cook a perfect pizza.

source : Pizza Dough Recipe 1403/01/17

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