how to make tahchin morgh?

how to make tahchin morgh?

One of the most popular Iranian dishes is tahchin morgh. This dish is considered a pleasant food for main meals as well as a party food. If you don’t know how to make tahchin morgh, we recommend reading this post until the end. It is better to prepare fresh and appropriate ingredients first, we assure you that this recipe is one of the best and easiest recipes for preparing tahchin morgh.

how to make tahchin morgh?

how to make tahchin morgh? (Preparation of raw materials)

To prepare tahchin morgh, you must first boil the chicken with onions and suitable spices, then remove the bones and chop the meat completely. Roast the cooked and chopped chickens with a little oil and spices.

Fry the barberries with butter and set aside. Soak the rice with the right amount of water and salt and get ready to prepare a delicious dish called Te Chin Murgh.

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how to make tahchin morgh? (ingredients)

  • 3 cups of Iranian rice
  • 1 whole chicken breast
  • Yogurt abstract 1 cup
  • 1 medium onion
  • 2 egg yolks
  • Rose water 1 tablespoon
  • 50 grams of butter
  • Barberry 100 grams
  • Powdered sugar 1 teaspoon
  • 4 tablespoons of brewed saffron
  • Enough salt and black pepper
  • enough cinnamon and pistachio slices
  • enough oil

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how to make tahchin?
how to make tahchin?

how to make tahchin morgh? (easy Recipe)

First, put the chicken in a pot with two glasses of water and spices including turmeric, cinnamon and onion and put it on the heat. The chicken should be fully cooked. When the chicken is cooked, remove it from the flame and let it cool completely. Then cut the chicken into small pieces.

Fry the chopped chickens in a pan with a little oil. You can also use spices like turmeric, cinnamon and black pepper to make the chicken taste better.

To prepare the barberries, you should soak them for 20 minutes and then put them in a basket until the water is completely gone. Roast the barberry with a little powdered sugar and butter in a suitable pan until the color of the barberry is shiny.

Set aside the ingredients that have been prepared. Now it’s time to prepare the rice. For this, you need to prepare pre-soaked rice. Pour half of the water in a pot and put it on the flame until the water boils. Add the rice to the boiling water and allow about 10 minutes for the rice to be ready.

At this stage, the rice should be completely soft, but the kernels should be a little hard (you can take a little  amount of the rice and test it). Put the rice in a basket to drain the excess water.

Now you need to put the egg yolks in a large bowl. Add yogurt to the bowl along with rose water and infused saffron and mix well until smooth.

how to make tahchin?
how to make tahchin?

Add the rice to the bowl containing the egg and yogurt mixture and gently stir until combined. Now you need to grease  the pot which you have planned for  tahchin morgh with a little oil. Pour some of the rice mixture and ingredients on the bottom of the container and press it completely with the back of a spoon. Then pour some roasted chicken with barberry on it and add the rest of the rice mixture again. Press the rice again with the back of a spoon.

In the last step, you should divide the butter into small pieces and spread it on the rice. Put the pot on a gentle and direct flame.

You need about 45 minutes to prepare the tahchin morgh. When tahchin morgh is ready, you should slowly turn it over on a suitable dish and decorate it with pistachio slices and barberry.

A recipe for making tahchin morgh in the oven

To prepare the tahchin morgh in the oven, you must first turn on the oven and set the temperature to 180 degrees. In this method, instead of using a pot, you can use Pyrex containers. First, grease the dish with liquid oil and prepare the ingredients according to the same recipe as we mentioned and pour them into the dish. Press the layers well and at the end use butter for flavoring. Cover the dish with a thin sheet of foil and leave it in the oven for an hour.

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Important tips for making tahchin morgh

– In order to have an excellent and delicious tahchin morgh, it is better to use only egg yolk. Using egg white makes the bottom of the chicken stiff and dry.

– The number of eggs must be sufficient. A large number of eggs will make the tahchin morgh stiff and a small number will make it loose.

– If you like, you can add some fried eggplant to the mixture of chicken and barberry and use it in the bottom layers.

– Be generous in using saffron to make the tahchin morgh. Use quality saffron so that your tahchin morgh has a unique aroma and color.

source : tahchin recipe 1403/02/11

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